Audience Studio

Easily create and use customer segments​

Through DMPs, it is possible to analyze expanded customer profiles thatcould not be seen with only 1st party data

DataS’s 360° customer profile view provides not only data such as search, purchase, and exit generated by customers within our service, but also data that can shape the customer, such as the customer’s usage status of competitors, residence, activity, asset index, and interests. All integrated into a single profile view.

Cohort Analytics

You don't have to use complex formulas to create the customer segments you want. Just use the drag-and-drop-based join conditions provided by DataS and you can instantly and easily create customer segments.

Dynamic Audience

The created customer segmentation is automatically updated as needed. Conveniently manage customer segments that you use repeatedly.

Audience DMP Insight

In DataS, you can create a dashboard that shows your audience data and DMP data together with just a few clicks, which helps you gain stronger and clearer insights. Able to check not only profile data such as the life cycle of the audience, asset index, and place of residence, but also data that you are curious about but can’t see anywhere, such as where customers who left your app went.

Audience segmentation created in Audience Studio can be used for cohort analysis or sending targeted messages

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